Epos Now Resources

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Explore the latest trends and insights, as well as advice on how to thrive in the retail and hospitality sectors.

August 2024

July and August dates for your marketing diary for 2024

As we continue through the season, it can be difficult to stay on top of things and capitalise on the opportunities that arrive over the coming months.

Published on 16.7.2024

Social Media main image

2024 social media trends for your business!

Hi business owners! WUBU2 ๐Ÿ˜Ž? (Sorry, is that too 2004 ๐Ÿค”?)

Trying to stay trendy on social media can be really difficult. Social media trends donโ€™t change every few years. They seem to change every few weeks, meaning that trying the latest challenge a day too late can be the difference between going viral and going bust.

Published on 16.7.2024

Cafe staff at work

How to manage a peak-trading season when staffing your business

Though not every season is equally reliable at providing those crowded days we all dream of, you can still expect to see busier periods and encounter opportunities to take advantage of. So how can you be sure to make the most of those opportunities?

Published on 14.6.2024

Mobile in stadium

How retailers can take advantage of major sporting events to boost profits and footfall

Looking ahead at the season of sports packed with soccer tournaments, cricket, cycling, and not to mention the Olympic games, your retailer instincts are no doubt itching to find ways to capitalise on these events. So what can you do with sporting events to get more feet through your door, more orders coming in, and more stock flying off the shelves?

Published on 7.6.2024

Sport crowd

How can hospitality businesses take advantage of major sporting events to boost profits and footfall?

So there you are, sitting in your hospitality business, looking at the calendar ahead dreaming of bums on seats, drinks in hands, and the cheers of sports fans who chose your business as the go-to place to enjoy a season packed with tournaments, big games, and the Paris 2024 Olympics!

Published on 7.6.2024

Waiter 2

How to prepare your staff to deliver top customer service!

As the cold of winter closes around you, warding off a sense of complacency in your team can be a tough task. So today weโ€™re asking ourselves what can be done to maintain a high standard of customer service that sets you apart from the competition and makes sure your business becomes a highlight for everyone who sets foot in your business.

Published on 10.5.2024

Laptop and hands

Our most useful Epos Now tutorials in May 2024

Our point of sale systems help businesses serve customers and manage their operations, which means we offer all sorts of handy tools. Weโ€™re dedicated to empowering our businesses, and one of the best ways to do that is to make sure users like you know what your POS system can really do!

Published on 9.5.2024

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How to Automate your Business for Operational Efficiency

Maximize efficiency with business automation strategies. Streamline operations for growth and productivity. Learn more!

Published on 17.4.2024

stockvault big data analytics196879

How to Automate your Business for Operational Efficiency

Maximize efficiency with business automation strategies. Streamline operations for growth and productivity. Learn more!

Published on 12.4.2024

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