Get the simplest restaurant diary and booking management system on the market.
Make your dining experience stand out
simpleERB keeps a record of your customers and their preferences, helping you run your restaurant more efficiently and maximising your profits.
- Put an end to no shows and prevent overbooking
- Manage and boost your customer reviews
- Set automatic SMS and email reminders for confirmations, late arrivals and wait lists
- Handle coupon/voucher companies with online booking offers that can be set to private

Already with Epos Now?
A flexible, versatile solution for any restaurant
SimpleERB seamlessly integrates with your Epos Now system - no special hardware is needed.
- Monitor your restaurant live
- Unlimited templates for floorplans
- Drag and drop reservation function
- Choose a plan that suits your needs

Free to get started
Easily affordable to keep using. Register and set up your restaurant reservation systems quickly and easily.
simpleERB has a monthly contract with no lock in. You can pause your plan and restart at any time. You can downsize or upsize plan as your business goes up or down.