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Save hours of time with automated admin and help your business thrive. 

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Why choose Epos Now and

Perfect payroll

Accurate, automated payroll means your staff are paid fairly and on time.

Reactive rotas

Never again be left in the lurch by absences thanks to easily editable staff rotas.

Easy Onboarding handles your new employees' admin for you so you can focus on training. 

Take your team to the next level with takes the stress out of managing your staff with insight-driven rotas and payroll services. 

Build the shifts that best serve your business with reactive rotas that put your employees where they need to be. Payroll admin that once took hours is now automatically compiled and approved with a single press of a button. 

Integrate and your Epos Now system to take full advantage of staff admin automation. Build better shifts, streamline your processes. And give staff more time to do their jobs.

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Take advantage of these benefits

There are a number of different benefits that come from using the Epos Now and integration. These benefits include: 

  • Auto-fill rotas - at the press of a button, your system will automatically build a staff rota that works best for you and your team. 
  • Simple shifts - Thanks to the reactive rota system, you can easily swap shifts and keep things simple for your staff.
  • Payroll integrations - Not only does seamlessly integrate into Epos Now, but it also works with popular apps like Xero and Quickbooks.
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Embrace efficiency

Imagine everything you could get done with the time you would usually spend on payroll and staff management. Workforce.comโ€™s automation frees you from the shackles of admin and gives you back hours of time that you can focus on your business. 

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Your one-stop shop for team management

From your Epos Now POS system, you can use to handle everything from timesheets to onboarding new employees. Speed and simplicity are core tenants of this integration. 

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Make the right decisions with smart data uses your own sales data like live wage insights to ensure that your staff are working where and when they can best serve the business. Thanks to data insights, you can make informed decisions. 

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Try today

If youโ€™re ready to take advantage of the benefits offered by this exciting integration, download now. 

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Try today

If youโ€™re ready to take advantage of the benefits offered by this exciting integration, download now. 

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