Epos Now Resources

Welcome to our Resources.

Explore the latest trends and insights, as well as advice on how to thrive in the retail and hospitality sectors.

epos now reports on laptop coffee

8 functional reports you can generate in Epos Now

There are many functional reports you can generate in Epos Now, to better understand and evaluate your business. Take a look at just 8 different reports that can be used to power your business.

Published on 9.11.2020

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Coffee Shop Monthly Expenses: 4 Ways To Reduce Them This Month

Keep your coffee shop profitable by following these tips.

Published on 9.11.2020

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TikTok Back to Business Program: How It Works and Who Qualifies

Learn how your business can score free advertising credit from TikTok.

Published on 9.11.2020

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How These Successful Food Trucks Are Growing During the Pandemic

What lessons can you learn from the food truck business?

Published on 9.9.2020

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Is the Coronavirus Accelerating the Retail Apocalypse?

Let's see if brick and mortar stores can still compete with online businesses.

Published on 9.8.2020

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How Stores and Restaurants Can Prepare for Labor Day Despite Covid-19

Get our advice on preparing your business for the Labor Day crowds.

Published on 9.3.2020

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Restaurant Profit Margins - Everything You Need To Know About Them

Many restauranteurs do not fully understand how to calculate their margins, nor how to improve them.

Published on 8.20.2020

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Costly Effects of Poor Hygiene In Restaurants

Poor food hygiene can be incredibly costly for businesses. Here's how to maintain the highest standards in your venue.

Published on 8.20.2020

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Why Do So Many Hospitality Businesses Fail?

Join us as we examine what factors are crippling hospitality businesses.

Published on 8.20.2020

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