Epos Now Resources

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Explore the latest trends and insights, as well as advice on how to thrive in the retail and hospitality sectors.

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Expenses for a Restaurant: Examples Of The Biggest Costs Involved

What goes into the expenses for a restaurant? Here is a list of some of the biggest costs that restaurants face on a daily basis.

Published on 10.27.2022

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Retail Strategy Ideas to Help You Manage Your Business

Your strategy for managing your retail business can have a significant impact on your overall success. Check out our tips and ideas on how to improve your retail management strategy.


Published on 10.25.2022

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Hotel Pricing Strategy: Building the Right Pricing Strategy for You

Room pricing can make a huge difference to your occupancy right. This blog will help you choose the perfect pricing policy for your hotel. 

Published on 10.24.2022


Bar Pricing: A Complete Guide to Pricing Drinks

For your bar to succeed, you need to price your drink correctly. This blog is full of useful drink pricing tips and tricks. 

Published on 10.24.2022

Hotel lobby reception desk

Hotel Concepts: How to Build a Successful Hotel Brand

The hotel industry is full of cookie-cutter businesses. In this blog, we'll be exploring innovative hotel concepts that will allow your business to stand out from the crowd. 

Published on 10.19.2022

Cafe Sign

Restaurant Branding: The Complete Guide

Businesses that create a recognizable and popular restaurant brand earn a devoted customer base that brings more and more customers through the door. Everyone wants to do it, but what are the tricks to restaurant branding?

Published on 10.19.2022

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Cafe Branding: 12 Tips For Marketing Your Cafe's Brand

Cafe branding can be particularly difficult because of the tight margins involved in operating a coffee business. In this blog, we'll discuss cafe branding and how your cafe can start your branding journey.

Published on 10.19.2022

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The Importance of Pricing in Business

Businesses everywhere struggle to settle on prices that appear to offer good value while ensuring good profit margins. So what methods can you use to get your prices right?

Published on 10.18.2022

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Starbucks Location Strategy: Analyzing the Geography of a Coffee Giant

What goes into Starbucks' location strategy? We take a look at how this global coffee chain chooses where to open new stores, and how data plays a role.

Published on 10.14.2022

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