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Local Reviews

Build a positive reputation with easy and automated customer reviews. With Local Reviews, you can collect up to 10x more reviews straight from your POS system

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How Local Reviews works

Seamless integration

Local Reviews easily integrates with your Epos Now system. Setup is simple. All you need to do is download the app and add your information. 

Automatic contact

Your system will give your customers the option to share their contact information. Once their transaction is complete, Local Reviews will prompt them to leave a review on your preselected platforms like Facebook or Google Reviews. Along with automated delays to prompts customers to leave a review from the comfort of their own home.

Manage your reviews

Your dedicated dashboard allows you to manage reviews across the most popular platforms directly from your POS system. 

Collect reviews and attract customers

97% of consumers search for local businesses online. If your online presence includes positive reviews, youโ€™ll attract more customers. 

  • Automatic reviews - Local Reviews automatically prompts your customers to leave reviews via SMS & email
  • Choose your review site - Choose your favoured review site, including Google Reviews, Facebook, and TripAdvisor
  • Unlimited outreach - Merchants can take advantage of unlimited texts and emails to customers, contacts, and support 
Women working on laptop

Post reviews to your favourite sites

Building a positive reputation is incredibly important for your continued success. Local Reviews gives you the tools you need to ensure your reviews are placed where they can have the biggest impact. 

With Local Reviews, you can choose which review site you want your customers to leave reviews on. You have complete control over your reviews. 

Local Reviews posts to some of the biggest reviews sites online, including Google reviews and Facebook. Merchants can also target smaller sector-specific review sites to reach their exact audience.

Local Reviews Google, Facebook and Tripadvisor reviews

Effective and affordable

Local Reviews is available to all Epos Now customers. This seamless integration allows you to manage reviews at an affordable price. 

  • Appear in more searches - Both the quality and quantity of reviews affect your search ranking. Local reviews improves both factors 
  • Free trial - Want to try before you buy? Local Reviews offers you your first 30 days free
  • Affordable service - Local Reviews offers several packages. Epos Now customers can get started for as little as $27 per month
Food service van

Manage your reputation

Positive online reviews are a cost-effective way to build your online presence and attract customers. Local Reviews makes it easy to manage your reputation online. 

Your reviews are often the first thing a customer looks for before they visit your store. With Epos Nowโ€™s Local Reviews integration, you can solicit and manage your reviews from an easy-to-use dashboard on your POS. 

From your POS system, you can get an overview of all your reviews across multiple platforms. This one-stop-shop makes it easy to see what your customers think of you. 

Couple enjoying food

See what Local Reviews users are saying

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